Helena Eliášová
Genre: neon comedy
Cast: 6 men, 2 women
In one small town, there lives a handsome boy called Patrik. He likes pink, taking pictures of himself and Madonna. His mummy is busy at work, but fortunately his daddy likes him a lot. One day Patrik catches the train and comes toPrague. And because he is really very nice, he find lots of friends soon and starts to call himself Paris. He becomes the greatest star of a club called Lollipop.
Everybody loves him, he doesn’t love anyone. Then one day Robert appears and everything suddenly changes.Parisis really happy with Robert, but everything must end. When Patrik returns to Lollipop, his fame is gone. He has been replaced by others, more beautiful, shinier, and more careless. Nevertheless, Patrik doesn’t give up and organizes his great, unforgettable party…
A play for “a crowd of fags, a few lesbians, and oneChihuahua” looks at the world of young “modern” people stuck (voluntarily?) in the world of discos and never-ending parties, which can substitute real life by their neon lights, colours, and chemical pleasure. It deals with topics like searching for one’s own identity, inability to mature, need to belong somewhere. “It’s necessary to be trendy and in, isn’t it? But what if it becomes old-fashioned?”
The play won the Evald Schorm Award for 2009.
The play is available in Czech original.