International Awards and Festivals Abroad: An Unbelievable Year for Radka Denemarková


Radka Denemarková, a Czech writer, translator and DILIA member, has experienced several truly successful months. After being inducted into the prestigious German Academy for Language and Literature, she received two significant international awards and was invited to prestigious festivals abroad.

On June 14, Radka Denemarková received the Franz Kafka Prize for her novel Hours of Lead in the Austrian town of Klosterneuburg, near Vienna. This award honors significant literary works written in the past three years that resemble Kafka’s poetic style, themes, or linguistic approach.

"What an immense joy it is to receive an award bearing Franz Kafka's name! Kafka shows us that it is possible to think, write, and live in a different way. It is an extraordinary honor for me. Yes, books should be axes for the frozen sea within us. This year is unbelievable," said Radka Denemarková.

Before this achievement, the author was awarded the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights for her uncompromising dedication to the truth. "Denemarková's work depicts the diseases of our time, identifies the causes of undesirable development, and laments over the immorality and greed of corporations, the degeneracy of state institutions, the grotesque consequences of allegedly naive actions, the helplessness of an individual, and the merciless fate of displaced people," summarized the jury their reasons.

"She builds her books like impressive cathedrals, writing tirelessly and directly, with enormous linguistic power and vivid images that get under your skin," added the jury. "Radka Denemarková will receive the European Tolerance Prize for Democracy and Human Rights from the city of Villach because her uncompromising dedication to the truth gives people courage to share their stories that can shed light on injustice, lies, and barbarism."

"I was really surprised. And honored as well, especially because the prize was handed over to me by Hannes Swoboda whom I deeply respect. He is a great figure in the European space who remains optimistic and supports the truth of literature," Denemarková said.

In June, Radka Denemarková attended a conference on Kafka in Erfurt, Germany, and then traveled as a guest to the Public Value Fest in Lisbon, Portugal, where she was a guest. She also participated in the Festival Góry Literatury in Poland organized by Olga Tokarczuk and presented her new book, Chocolate Blood, at the Prague Castle.


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