The play inspired by the reality show Big Brother has two main dramatic lines, which will fatefully amalgamate with each other in the end. Anna is the main character of the first one, seven scenes of sharp dialogues present her way through the competition, lies, intrigues as well as betrayals on other competitors, but primarily on her “little sister” Marie, the main character of the second line. The younger sister is after Anna’s departure for the competition put into a mental home, where two scenes take place in which Marie in her monologues explains her extremist opinions on life. The captive environment of the hospital presents a parallel to the situation in the competition villa, when it comes to the contents of communication it is its exact opposite. While the dialogues of the contestants unfold, in a coarsely funny way, the total existential emptiness of the people involved, the monologues of the patients tragically touch today’s world and existence. Marie’s life ends in a rather puzzling death; she is found hang in the mental home’sbathroom. Anna, the star of the show, gathers more points when she refuses to withdraw and bury her sister. While Marie suffered from a dangerous cult, Anna inevitably falls into the influence of media and commercialism. However, she is not conscious of her dependence, at the end of the play she sends a word to her dead sister: „My dear little sister, you have been badly manipulated by someone.“
The play through the story of two orphaned sisters Anna and Marie reflects the two biggest “ideological” dangers of today’s world and their particular impact on life and relationships within it.