Maliti, Eva


She graduated from Moscow State University where she studied general history and ethnology. She defended her doctoral dissertation at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV). She works at the Institute of World Literature of the SAV. She works as a literary theorist, writer and translator . In her scientific work she focuses on artistic symbolism and the history and theory of translation. She wrote theoretical monographSymbolizmus ako princíp videnia(Symbolism as the Principle of Perception) (1996), as a head of the international collective of authors she edited the inter-disciplinary work Symbolizmus v kontextoch a súvislostiach (Symbolism in Contexts and Connections) (1998).She wrote the book Tabuizovaná prekladateľka Zora Jesenská (The Taboo Translator Zora Jesenská) (2007) about the life and work of the renowned Slovak translator who influenced the development of artistic translation in Slovakia. Her studies and papers were published in various professional publications and anthologies home and abroad. She focuses on literature: she writes prose (Krpatý vrch (Tiny Hill), 1994) and translates from Russian and Osetian (Antológia osetskej prózy (The Anthology of Osetian Prose), Ruská symbolická dráma (Russian Symbolist Drama), Nina Sadur: Totálne zakázané (TotallyForbidden), Čudná ženská a iné hry (A Strange Woman and other Plays); Andrej Bely: Petersburg). Her dramatic texts were published in2008 in the book entitled Hry (Plays) which received the prize of the Club of Independent Writers of the Slovak Writers Organizations Association. She teaches on Institute of Slavic Studies University of Vienna. 


List of plays (selection): 


  • Krcheň Nesmrteľný – 2001
  • Jaskynná panna – 2003
  • Vizionár – 2007 
  • Unavená Medea – 2007 
  • Zuzana a starci paparazzi

Translated plays:


  • Krcheň Nesmrteľný – Krcheň Immortal – English
  • Krcheň Nesmrteľný – Krcheň, der Unsterbliche – German
  • Krcheň Nesmrteľný – Conrad l´immortel – French
  • Krcheň Nesmrteľný – Korshak bessmertnyj - Russian
  • Jaskynná panna – Die Hoehlenjungfrau – German
  • Jaskynná panna – Deva v peshchere - Russian 
  • Vizionář – Il Sogno del Visionario – Italian
  • Vizionář – Le Visionnaire - French

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