Peřina, Vít (Czech republic)
*(1978)Vít Peřina graduated from the Faculty of Art at the Palacky University in Olomouc (Department of Czech Studies and Department of Art History). He works as a dramaturge at the Naïve Theatre Liberec and at the same time he writes (mostly puppet) plays for children’s theatre. He cooperates with the Naïve Theatre in Liberec, ALFA Theatre in Pilsen, Puppet Theatre in Ostrava, DRAK Theatre in Hradec Králové and others. His plays have also been staged at theatres in Poland or Slovakia. He also occasinaly cooperates with the Czech TV and Czech Radio.
His plays have won several awards at Czech puppet festivals (International puppet biennial events Skupova Plzeň and Mateřinka Liberec). He gained the prestigious Theatre Newspaper Award twice for his play Budulínek and co-authorhip of the title Čechy leží u more (Czechia Lies by the Sea).